GatsbyJS | Contentful | Netify
It was time to make a tech blog from scratch and owning my age instead of hding
from it given inherent agism in tech. A great opportunity to learn another Javascript framerwork in
GatsbyJS and
use a CMS with Contenful. First time deploying to Netify.
Mike Sims Art
Built this site for my brother and his great art. Very simple for now. Might
get more comlex later just for some button and forms.
Rails 6 | React | Redux | React-Router | React Datepicker | MomentJS | Heroku
This was a project I was building for TML Information Services. It pipes in
status data from the 50 states and territories regarding MOVr (Motor Vehical Data) for background
It informs both employees and public users the current status of services. Known outages and notes can
be created, edited or deleted. Deployment involved AWS serverless Lambdas and a static S3 React app.
This helped to cut costs from an Elastic Beanstalk instance. This demo
is on Heroku for demo purposes. Feel free to play around with it.
Coder Cards
HTML5 | CSS3 | React | Rails | JWT | Bcrypt | Heroku
A nifty flash card app with a coding theme for beginners and OG's alike to hone
in all things coding terms, syntax and scripts, or anything you want!
A user can create an account, decks and cards to edit or delete at anytime. I went looking
for a flashcard app to help studying code and remember that I know how to code.
(Give it a moment to load in since frontend and backend are on Heroku)
HTML5 | CSS3 | React | React Routes | Semantic-UI-React | Rails | JWT | Bcrypt | Active | Heroku
Storage | AWS
An app where users can share all things urban wildlife. As
our cities clean
up, wild life returns and one can see some very interesting creatures. Of course your common squirrel,
Robin, pigeon and rat are welcome too!
The Upside Down
HTML5 | CSS3 | Javascript | Heroku
Rails | Waffles
Ready to enter The Upside Down? The Upside Down is a game inspired by the
Netflix TV series Stranger
two characters from the series: Eleven and Demogorgon. Wrote this with my Flatiron cohort, Joyce Kwon!
Pro tip: Use headphones for optimal experience!